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Danville, CA

Danville, CA


Bellweather created the branding and marketing strategy for the town of Danville, California to support the Town's local economic vitality and keep them competitive with nearby destinations. We built the brand collaboratively with Town staff, elected officials, local businesses, and residents. Our process included a brand workshop for over 20 stakeholders, interviews with over 50 locals, and in-person discussions at town council meetings. Each of these conversations led to a stronger brand and more buy-in.

The Town’s striking brand identity reflects their history and natural beauty, and a new tagline (“Live Locally”) speaks to both residents and visitors. A key brand component is cyanotypes: a quick and easy way to make vibrant-blue photographic prints using just sunshine and water. Danville locals and Town staff created many of the images used in the campaign.

We also developed a destination marketing strategy to support economic vitality for local businesses. The campaign we created, called “Live Locally,” is the consumer-facing centerpiece of the marketing strategy. It includes event promotions, a printed “Live Locally Guide,” and a new Instagram marketing strategy.