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Sep 22, 2017

Hello, Meet Bellweather!

Hi there! We are so excited to introduce Bellweather, a branding agency focused on branding and marketing services for smart and ambitious clients. We work closely with our clients to collaboratively build strong and successful brands.

How do we do create strong, successful, collaborative brands?

We are experts at facilitating collaborative conversations with our clients and their audiences, and in doing so, craft brands and campaigns that are extremely effective. We take this collaborative methodology to make work that people respond to.

How do we know people respond to our work?

Because they visit your business, share the link with their friends, write a story about it, take a selfie in front of it, pin it on Pinterest, wear it on a tshirt, etc. These responses turn into conversations, purchases, clicks, and bookmarked/planned ideas— meaning more eyeballs on the client. We see all of these responses as a win, and recognize that you need all of them to make a compelling brand campaign.

People like to talk about data, markets, targeting, and retargeting. But it can be just talk.

We know data is a useful barometer of success. But we are also very aware that every modern person is faced with a deluge of images, campaigns, offers, and stories. The only way you know you’re making an impact is through the responses elicited (and thankfully most of them digitally trackable). That’s data we stay focused on: Are we getting a response? Are we cutting through the noise?

If we’re not getting a response, we change.

We are not wedded to some grand idea if it isn’t working. Also—we don’t fall in love with our work unless the client loves it too. We’re not done until we have your buy-in.

How is your branding agency different from dozens of others? And how are you any different from anyone with an Apple laptop loaded with Adobe Creative Suite?

No other travel-focused creative agency has the experience and track record we do. We’ve been there, and built it, and paved the way that so many others have copied. We set the standards that others follow. We build brand systems that live for years and only grow stronger with time. We don’t deliver a set of tools that no one can reproduce or build on. Instead, we look at the client and tailor a set of tools that we plan will live on for at least a decade (that’s how we judge a strong brand.) This is rarer than it sounds—so many branding agencies are obsessed with chasing trends or fleeting style. We’re interested in creating brands that will last for decades and can evolve over time—not things that will look outdated in three years.

We can make compelling work because we look like the world and come from the world.

Diversity matters. We are proud to be WOSB and WBE certified. We spend a lot of time in the world and NOT in our office. Between the three of us, we’ve lived in 11 states and visited 48. We are bicoastal, which is a big win for time differences: for 96% of the country, we are available during business hours (sorry Hawaii and Alaska). Because we’re out in the world, we have the contacts that no one else has. No one can beat the art directors, writers, videographers, editors, or social media strategists we work with.

But we never do the same work twice. 

We think of ourselves as couture designers; we make the most responsive, flattering, perfectly tailored brand for each client and then begin again from scratch for another.

Sound good? Then we would love to work with you.