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Nov 02, 2023

Fully Remote, Fully Inclusive

We are committed to changing what creative agency jobs can be and look like, because part of being a leader in this industry means being able to make the necessary changes that inspire growth and creativity.

Bellweather Agency commits to being a fully remote office

As these past two years have shown us, working from home has many benefits. They include a flexible work schedule, the ability to spend quality time with family, and easy access to sunlight and fresh air.

This is why Bellweather is committed to being a fully remote creative agency with offices and employees spanning the United States. Where once the office cubicle was the mainstay of a workday, inspiration can now be found in the comfort of home, whether that home is New York City, St. Louis, or Los Angeles. We know there are days when you need to be able to tie your hair back, wear your sweats, and feel cozy. There are days when you need to be home to walk your dog, or tend to a sick child. And despite what some might see as an isolating environment, early studies show that working from home provides a sense of belonging by those who might otherwise feel marginalized in a traditional office setting.

How Creative Agency Jobs are Changing the Way We Work

At Bellweather, inclusivity is important to our mission as a woman-and-minority-owned creative agency.

By going fully remote, we can open more lines of communication and give equal room to diverse perspectives.

This process ensures that the best ideas are brought to life, no matter who comes up with them. Collaboration has always been an important part of the creative process, but with a work-from-home model, we can now expand on that process and give space to those voices that might have otherwise been left out. We are committed to changing what creative agency jobs can be and look like, because part of being a leader in this industry means being able to make the necessary changes that inspire growth and creativity.

The Short Goodbye to the Long Commute

Even the environment stands to benefit. With more people working from home, there will be fewer cars on the road, which means a lot less traffic. And with less traffic, there will be less pollution. We can actively reduce carbon emissions without forgoing our livelihoods.

A recent survey showed that the majority of workers are satisfied with working from home, and they do not want to return to the conventional office setting. But we don’t need a study to know that taking breaks, a walk, or a nap can replenish energy and generate creativity. Remote ad agency jobs are on the rise, and Bellweather is excited to be a part of this movement.

We are an agency that thrives on collaborative evolution, changing together, for the better. There are so many benefits to working from home, both for the worker, the work, and the world over. And what’s more is that workers like it. So consider this the short goodbye to the long commute, because, as the evidence suggests, working from home is here to stay, and that’s a good thing.