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About Bellweather

Bellweather is proud to be wholly owned by people of color, women, and queer-identifying individuals—representing less than 1% of creative agencies in the world. Our commitment to diversity is seen throughout our agency and its processes.
Louis Lee
Louis Lee
Chief Creative Officer
Emily Lessard
Emily Lessard
Chief Strategy Officer
Gracelyn Woods
Gracelyn Woods
Chief Operating Officer
Research + Strategy
All of Bellweather’s research and strategy is conducted by our in-house interdisciplinary team.
Asana Okocha
Asana Okocha
Research and Strategy Coordinator
Kim Yeoh
Kim Yeoh
Director of Research and Strategy
Bellweather's digital department focuses on technical best practices, usability, and accessibility to create a clear path forward for our clients during website transformations.
Rebecca Carvalho
Rebecca Carvalho
Digital Director
Mateo Arciniegas Huertas
Mateo Arciniegas Huertas
Digital Coordinator
Ryan Helfant
Ryan Helfant
UX Designer
Dan Howard
Dan Howard
Technical Strategist
Bellweather’s changemaking creative is concepted, created, and executed by our talented cross-functional creative team.
Alex Chan
Alex Chan
Production Manager
Jessica George
Jessica George
Creative Services Manager
Kip Helton
Kip Helton
Art Director
Diana Lee
Diana Lee
Senior Designer
Joshua Santos
Joshua Santos
Brandon Wherley
Brandon Wherley
Senior Designer
Bellweather’s communication process is designed to ensure that our clients are met where they are and have transparency throughout.
Lydia Andersen-Tarnell
Lydia Andersen-Tarnell
Project Manager
Yeri Lavin
Yeri Lavin
Digital Project Manager
Sarah Shanks
Sarah Shanks
Director of Finance and Operations
Kale Troutman
Kale Troutman
Operations Assistant
Lauren Wackell
Lauren Wackell
Project Manager