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Sep 22, 2017

We’re Proud to Be a WBE / WOSB Certified Business

Bellweather is a WBE/WOSB advertising and marketing agency, certified in NYC, New York state, and at the federal level.

WBE, WOSB—What does this acronym soup mean? It means we’re a majority woman-owned small business, certified by the federal government (WOSB), New York City (WBE), and NY State (WOSB). Bellweather is 100% owned by women and minorities.

We’re proud to contribute to diversity in the workplace. We know that diverse, inclusive teams create the best work and the most interesting workplaces. Here are some mind-blowing diversity stats and stories to back this up:

Diverse Teams Are Smarter

Diversity “makes companies smarter, it makes them more sensitive to the needs of a diverse customer base, and it’s the right thing to do.” (via the LA Times) We are all responsible for delivering great ideas that support our business and customers. Audiences are more diverse than ever. It makes good business sense to work with a diverse team that can tap into a range of audiences and experiences. Former IBM CEO Lou Gerstner agreed in an interview with the Harvard Business Review:

“We made diversity a market-based issue.…It’s about understanding our markets, which are diverse and multicultural.”

Diversity Grows Business

To grow your business, commit to diversity. Under Gerstner, IBM retooled their workforce to be more diverse, and attracted more customers because of it. They now promote their commitment to diversity in client-facing materials, thereby connecting a 40-year-old brand to international audiences.

Diverse Companies Are More Successful

According to a recent McKinsey report on diversitycompanies with the most racial, ethnic, and gender diversity are more likely to see higher financial returns. Companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.

That’s worth repeating: working with diverse teams can lead to better financial results.

Companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15% more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians.

Diverse Teams Make The Best Work

This one we know from personal experience. Peruse our portfolio if you want further proof that diversity yields successful, compelling, and memorable work. You can also learn more about Bellweather’s partners and team on our About page. Here’s to a more equal, diverse, and inclusive workplace!

Bellweather’s WBE NYC Certificate Number: MWBECERT2017-216

Bellweather’s NY State WOSB Certification No. 62592