Build a visually impactful campaign highlighting that everyone is welcome in a city like New York.
With strong visuals and a welcoming message, our “Welcoming the World” campaign was born.
Bellweather's international "Welcoming the World" campaign brought travelers to New York City through its enticing visuals and multilingual invitations, producing approximately 8 billion impressions to date. The campaign extended to a welcome campaign at NYC airports with the tagline: “Some New Yorkers are born. Some are made. All are welcome.” This advertising campaign was part of the rebrand for NYC & Company. The campaign can be seen in NYC airports throughout the terminals.

“With an emphasis on international markets, the campaign garnered over 400 million impressions globally. Over the course of the year, estimates totaled more than 1,000 global press mentions of the “New York City – Welcoming the World” campaign. This equates to an estimated 895 million in global reach and more than $8 million in advertising value.”
NYC & Company, 'Welcoming the World' Campaign