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Hostelling International USA

Help educate modern travelers on hostels and drive bookings for HI USA stays.


Build a dynamic campaign focusing on safety and inclusivity for Millennial and Gen Z travelers.

The campaign's visuals establish an unmistakable "NOW"stalgic aesthetic, connecting with our demographic and distinguishing the HI USA brand from typical hospitality companies. By blending styles reminiscent of collections and scrapbooking, we tap into memories and mood boards to evoke a sense of aspiration, energy, and excitement.

Our campaign seamlessly emphasizes community and individuality, resonating with U.S., Gen Z, and millennial culture as well as the essence of hostelling. Featuring "real people,", nostalgic aesthetics, and colloquial copy, it creates a sense of connection and authenticity. The result is a vibrant personality that our audience sees in themselves and peers, thereby sparking FOMO and fostering trust.

In our initial surveys, we discovered that while 87% were aware of hostels, only 9% of people expressed interest in staying in one due to safety concerns and limited amenity awareness. This prompted us to launch a campaign showcasing HI USA as a trusted brand offering secure, quality accommodations for over 80 years, while capturing the essence of travel and exploration. Through OOH and paid ad spots, we creatively showcase hostel culture, highlighting benefits like private rooms, 24/7 staff availability, and shared communal spaces.

Strategy Deliverables
Audience Strategy
Campaign Strategy
Competitor Analysis
Focus Groups
SEO Audit
Creative + Development Deliverables
Campaign Design
Production-Ready Assets
Video & Photography Production

Behind the Scenes


246% increase in overall impressions, YoY
1749% increase in clicks on TikTok, YoY
64% view through-rate (VTR), over 1 million video views, surpassing the travel industry benchmark by 117%