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Nov 22, 2022

The Best Taglines for Travel, Tourism, and Destination Brands

A destination’s tagline is entering a crowded space: the tagline needs to be quickly memorable to make an impression.

In today’s media-saturated world, where the average attention span is just eight seconds (that’s shorter than the average attention span of a goldfish), language that simplifies your brand for the consumer is invaluable. An inspired, consistent, memorable tagline can help establish your destination’s verbal identity in just a few short words. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! Keep these tips in mind to get the most out of your tagline:

Your Tagline Should Be Unique

Destination taglines should stay away from clichés at all costs: this includes “Visit ______” or “Discover ______”. The clichéd slogans “Visit ______” or “Discover ______” are stale and provide no inspiration or memorable information about the destination. Your brand language should convey the destination’s benefits quickly and evoke the essence of the place or experience. That is, the same tagline could not be describing anywhere else. This can mean using descriptions that paint a picture of the destination, based around a unique recognizable icon (as in “Egypt, Where it all begins”) or unique geographical position (as in “Innsbruck, the Capital of the Alps”). It can also mean a tagline that describes the experience at the destination (as in “Canada, Keep Exploring”).

Be Consistent

A tagline should not be trendy or seasonal. A tagline that is consistent over the longer-term will be both cost-efficient and more likely to stick in the minds of consumers. Having unchanged brand language gives assurance to your audience and customers. And being consistent means you’ll be more likely to stick in the mind of the consumer. This includes staying away from any slang or idioms (which also don’t translate easily for non-English speaking audiences.)

Be Memorable

A successful tagline is easily memorable, coming to mind each time they think of or hear of that destination. How do you make something memorable? Consider using memorability tools such as rhyme, repetition, and alliteration to find memorable and catchy language. Another good test: would you proudly put it on a poster, and hang it up on your wall? If the answer is no, then time to rethink your tagline.

Finally: having nothing is better than an uninspired slogan. Can’t find a great tagline or slogan? Then go with a strong visual brand until a great one comes along. A strong overall brand identity is crucial, even if the holy grail of a tagline never materializes. Wondering what you need for a great brand? Read up about the difference between a logo and a brand, and take a logo test to see if yours is working.

Get Inspired

Bellweather’s branding for many of our destination and travel clients includes custom taglines. Explore the work we’ve done and get inspired: